


Sustainable agriculture is crucial for food security, environmental protection, and societal advancement. Ten solutions must be widely promoted and adopted to drive industrialization and modernization while meeting these challenges.

1. Proper irrigation

According to statistics of the World Food and Agriculture Organization, agricultural irrigation accounts for up to 3/4 of the fresh water source in ponds and rivers, so reasonable irrigation will significantly save fresh water sources for the future. Also through research and based on the practice of agricultural cultivation, it is shown that the method of "dripping" irrigation, just enough irrigation, bringing water directly to the fields and crops will be more effective than the irrigation method by irrigation system.

According to statistics of the World Food and Agriculture Organization, agricultural irrigation accounts for up to 3/4 of the fresh water source in ponds and rivers, so reasonable irrigation will significantly save fresh water sources for the future. Also through research and based on the practice of agricultural cultivation, it is shown that the method of "dripping" irrigation, just enough irrigation, bringing water directly to the fields and crops will be more effective than the irrigation method by irrigation system.

2. Building an effective crop protection and drainage system

In the US, there are many farmers who pay for the construction of mini-embankment systems to protect their farms to ensure proper irrigation, especially flood prevention, crop nutrient protection and soil erosion, mangrove protection, while helping to cultivate well and ensure stable aquaculture.

3. Take advantage of rainwater

Farmers in Sichuan province, China are famous for their extensive experience in collecting rainwater for domestic and agricultural use. This is a simple, inexpensive, easy-to-do method, especially in lands where natural water resources are scarce. According to the study, rainwater is rich in nutrients compared to groundwater, while it does not contain salt, so it is very beneficial for the environment.

4. Take care of the soil

Land and soil quality play an important role in agriculture, because over 6 billion people on the planet depend on agricultural products cultivated on 11% of the earth's surface area. Protecting land resources and soil quality will have the effect of ensuring food security, limiting the risk of climate change, especially curbing the release of CO2 emissions.

5. Reduce the tillage process

Usually crops "inhale" carbon dioxide (CO2) and "release" carbon. When dead trees decompose and carbon is returned to the soil. Plowing, making the soil too deep, too thoroughly will increase the carbon release process, the culprit of the greenhouse gas effect and accelerate the process of soil erosion. According to statistics from the US Department of Agriculture, arable land in this country stores about 12-14% of the total carbon released into the air, so tillage, soil treatment just enough and saving land will have many environmental effects.

6. Intercropping

Intercropping, crop rotation, for example intercropping corn with soybeans or tall foliage trees with low foliage plants will bring economic benefits. It is possible to grow vegetables with grain crops, in order to make the most of nutrients in the soil, helping the soil recover protein through the decomposition of leaves and agricultural waste.

7. Use a windbreak

In dry areas, strong winds often deplete soil resources, taking away many important nutrients including fertilizer, so to overcome this situation, it is recommended to build windbreak "levees". In China, for example, a 2,800-mile (4,480km) tree "" has been built in the North, which has both a "green" effect and a wind-reducing effect that causes desertification of the soil.

8. Tree planting plan

The combination of agriculture and forestry (Agroforestry) is considered a sustainable agricultural solution for the future. Because the roots of plants have the effect of linking the soil and retaining water. In addition, the crop is responsible for protecting other plants from the devastating risk of sunlight, protecting livestock and creating many other useful products. In some African countries, the technique has been successfully applied, benefiting millions of hectares of discolored arable land, limiting migration and other intangible benefits.

9. Limit the use of chemicals

Due to profit optimization, recently the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (collectively referred to as chemicals) is on the rise, depleting fossil fuels, emitting many nitrons oxides that cause climate change. In order to limit this harm and ensure sustainable agriculture, it is recommended to limit the use of chemicals for agriculture, apply farming methods and use friendly organic fertilizers, including those from agriculture to enrich the soil and provide useful nutrients for crops.

10. Minimize methane dispersion in livestock

According to statistics, cows are the type of animals that produce the most methane that pollutes the environment. In Argentina, for example, cows generate up to 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, especially methane. The solution is to feed the cow friendly food, add substances that can reduce methane generation right from the cow's stomach or use a methane collection tank for each animal and combine it with cow manure to produce biofuels and make civil gas.




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